Tips For Dealing With a Bad Race
It's okay to feel disappointed. Take active steps to resolve the emotions. This is important to help you bounce back for your next race. When we fail to address our emotions, our stress levels stay high which contributes to race anxiety for future races. Here are some ideas.
Deep breathing. Take 10 deep breaths, counting to 4 when you inhale, holding for 4, and exhaling for 4 counts.
Hug a friend/family member. This has been shown to reduce stress.
When you get home, petting a dog, cat or other pet if you have one has been shown to reduce stress.
Write down 2-3 things you did well in the race. This helps cancel out a negativity spiral.
Do something unrelated to running. Hang out with friends, see a movie, play an instrument, bake, etc. the key is to do something relaxing and/or confidence building that is unrelated to running in order to help process the disappointment and let it go, rather than dwelling on a bad race.
The next day, you can write down 2-3 things you would have done differently. Be specific and don't tie these things to your identity.
Bad Example
"I'm too hesitant when I race."
Good Example
"Going into the 3rd mile I hesitated when I got passed but then I had a good kick at the end. So, next time I know that I have more to give so I will go with them if I get passed."